Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Huntington First Church of the Nazarene's Student Ministry exists to connect students to Christ and help them know Him more.

A COUPLE Things:
Valentines Bash

Come out and support Student Ministries for a SWEET Valentine Experience!  
Our students will be hosting a wonderful dinner and some fun couple's games for Valentines.  
All of the proceeds go to help pay for student trips (fall retreat, summer camp, mission trips).
Contact a student, Roman Schwarz, or Vonna in the office to sign up for this experience.
$30 per Couple
Childcare Provided - $5 per Child

Coming Attractions!

Join Us As We Celebrate the Journey!

Winter Jam '25 Fort Wayne!

We will meet at 5pm at the church and travel to Allen County War Memorial Coliseum.
Doors open at 6pm.
The event starts at 7pm.
No tickets are required to attend.
A $15 donation is received at the door.

District Celebrate Life!
February 21 & 22

Start planning now to attend and participate in
District Celebrate Life!
Bring your Talents.  Bring your Interests.
Bring your Support for your friends!
If you have any questions,
reach out to Josh Smith at 260-609-6409.

This is a wonderful opporunity to
Make new friends, Showcase your Talent, and
Support one another!
See you there.

Below are two links of information for this event.

Sunday Evening Youth Group

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

We have programs and activities for 6-12th grade on Sunday evenings from 5:00-6:30pm during the school year.  Our students are a wild and crazy bunch that love to have fun.  Some of our students know Him well, some are just learning, but all of them are finding out that Jesus is the King!  Come be a part of this ministry!

Sunday Mornings

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Refinery on the second floor. All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend. Chris Rakoczy is our Middle School teacher, and Connor Morton teaches our High School students. Hope to see all our students on Sunday morning!


Roman Schwarz

Pastor of Student Ministries

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.