Check out what's happening at HNAZ

This week's announcements and happenings.

Update Your Contact Information

We are rolling out a new online church directory!
If you'd like to join, we will need your updated contact information (if we do not already have it).
You can update or add your information at the link below. Once submitted, we can invite you to the directory!

Weekly Prayer Time
Begins Again Thursday, February 20
7am in the Sanctuary

Everyone is invited to join us in Prayer
on Thursdays at 7am in the Sanctuary.
This is a time when we lift our church family, our friends, our own families, and our concerns before the Lord in agreement to His will.
"For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, I am there in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20 (NKJV)

Student Ministry Fundraiser
February 15
Donate Items by Feb. 13

 Student Ministries will be selling concession items at the church on February 15 at the Quiz Meet Event.  
All proceeds will go toward missions and camps.  
Students can sign up to work by using the link below or  by contacting Roman or Davina.  
We also need donations:
Cookies, Hot Chocolate Packets,
Coffee Filter Packets,
Cups and Lids, Coffee Creamers
Bring Donations to Door #1 
by Feb. 13

Use the link below to sign up to bring a donation.
Students can sign up at the link below.

HNAZ  Sports Ministry

Volleyball on  Wednesday Nights

Join us Wednesday evenings for Volleyball  
in the gym! Ages include 16 and up.  
Come to the HNAZ gym at Door 10 from 6:30-8:30pm.

Pickleball on Sunday Nights

Sunday Night Pickleball meets on Sundays at
6:30pm in the gym. Come enjoy the game and new friends!

HNAZ  Students

Discipleship Now!
March 14-16

 For more information, click the link below to the Student Page and scroll to Coming Attractions!
Scan the QR Code for details.
Registration is $75
Contact Roman at or the office at if you have questions.

Sunday Mornings at 9:30

 Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Refinery on the second floor.  All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend.  Chris Rakoczy is our Middle School teacher, and Connor Morton teaches our High School students.  Hope to see all our students on Sunday morning!

Youth Group on Sundays

Come out Sundays at 5:00-6:45 PM
for our  Youth Ministry nights of the Fall.  
Get to know your small groups, play some really fun games, eat good food,
and don't forget to bring a friend!
Please use the Door 10 Youth Entrance.

Celebrate Life!
February 21-22

 Start planning now to attend and participate in Celebrate Life! This event will be at Shiloh Park! If you have any questions about District Celebrate Life, reach out to Roman Schwarz at

There are two links below for your convenience.
The Celebrate Life Booklet explains the events.
The Celebrate Life Registration takes you to the registration link. 

HNAZ Family

Marriage Matters

Healthy marriages are SO crucial, because they are the foundation of the family…and families are the foundation of God’s Church.

There are 3 kinds of intimacy God intends for us to experience in our marriages-and it IS possible to strengthen all 3 areas, no matter how long you’ve been married!

In this class, we will discuss these important marriage matters, because marriage matters! You will go home each week with practical tools you can implement right away to improve or maintain the health of your marriage. This is for all ages and stages of marriages.

Marriage Matters will begin
Sunday, February 16th at 9:15 a.m.

HNAZ Women

Card Ministry

Plan now to join the HNaz Card Writing Ministry on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9:30 in the Hospitality Room.  Cards and pens are provided.  Just come anytime you're available!  We hope you'll consider being part of this encouraging ministry.


Pray, Prepare, and Plan

As we enter a new year in January and a new church year in March, let us join together in Prayer and Preparation to build a strong Men's Group that focuses on Discipleship
Pray - For God's leading.
Prepare -Listed on our HNaz Men's Page are books that will inspire you in your walk with God.

Visit our Page by using the Link below:

HNAZ PrimeTime

Bible Study

Adult Bible Study meets every
Wednesday at 3pm in room 116. Everyone is welcome.
Please enter through Door #10.

Stay Tuned!


Children's Worship Hour

Regular kids' worship hour begins at 10:15am  on Sundays
Children ages 1-2 meet in room 113 for Toddler Worship.
Children ages 3-grade K meet in room 103 for Preschool Praise Worship Hour. (Must be fully potty-trained)
Children grades 1-5 meet upstairs for Kids Worship.

Volunteer Training

What a Wonderful Saturday of Training!
If you missed the Redemptive Discipline Training, we will have another one in the Spring.
Email the office at to add your name to the Spring class.

Kids Bible Quizzing

Bible Quizzing meets every Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 in room 206.  Quizzing is open to all students in elementary school.  We hope you'll plan to have your child take part.  It's a fantastic experience!

Children's Ministry Check-In Reminder

Children will no longer be checked in at the TouchPoint Centers. Parents should check in at their child's designated worship area.
Infants & Toddlers - Rooms 111 & 113
Ages 3-K - Preschool Praise - Room 103
Grades 1-5 - Kids Church - 2nd Floor

Vacation Bible School

Mark your calendars now for VBS 2025!
You will not want to miss this event that touches the lives of so many children and their friends
in our church.

June 2-5, 2025 - 6pm-8pm

VBS Sunday
June 8, 2025 - 10:30am

HNAZ Missions

What is Nazarene Missions About?

is to make Christlike disciples in the nations.
Our PURPOSE of Missions
is to pioneer, develop and resource local, interdependent and sustainable Nazarene churches. Our METHOD of Missions
is compassion, evangelism and education.

Click the link below to explore Nazarene missions.

Get The App

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Download The App

3 Ways to Give:


Use our simple online giving platform available here on our website, or through our HNAZ Mobile app.  The HNAZ Mobile app is a free download available in the app store.

Offering Boxes

There are several offering boxes located throughout the sanctuary for you to drop your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary.  There is also a secure drop box located at the Church Office entrance (Door #1) that you can drop off your donation after hours.


You may mail your donation to the church office.
Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
1555 Flaxmill Rd
Huntington, IN 46750

Meet the staff.

Scott Rainey

Lead Pastor

Katrina Arbuckle

Family Pastor

Tyler Gates

Worship and Discipleship Pastor

Roman Schwarz

Pastor of Student Ministries

Alyssa Flanagin

Elementary Ministry Director

Vonna McKinney

Office Manager

Lynn Clampitt

Director of Early Childhood & 
Growing Place Preschool