Check out what's happening at HNAZ

This week's announcements and happenings.

Move-Up Sunday is August 11th

On August 11th, all children and students will move up to their new Sunday School classes and Worship Hour locations.  Three-year-olds will move up to Preschool Sunday School & Preschool Praise on the first floor.  New first graders will move up to Sunday School & Kids Worship on the second floor.  New 6th graders will move up to Youth Sunday School in the Refinery and worship hour in the main sanctuary.
Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM.
Worship Hour begins at 10:30 AM.

Child Dedication - August 11

We believe that child dedication is a significant milestone in the lives of both parents and children as you make a commitment to raising your children in a way that honors God. If you have a child you'd like to dedicate, we would be excited to join you alongside your journey! Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch will you shortly afterwards.

Crisis Care Kits  - Due August 4th

We are collecting Crisis Care Kits in June and July.  Crisis Care Kits (CCKs) are distributed through the Nazarene Church in the United States and around the world, wherever disaster strikes.  Pick up your Crisis Care Kit bag at one of the Touchpoint Centers today.  A list of necessary items and instructions are included with each bag.  Fill a bag on your own or as a family.  Return your CCK to the bin in the foyer beginning June 9th.  Our goal is 60 kits this summer!

HNaz  Sports Ministry

Church Softball Tournament Games

Next week is Church Softball Tourny Week!
We'll post the schedule as soon as we receive it.
 Come out and cheer on the HNaz softball team!  

Volleyball on THURSDAY Nights

Join us Thursday evenings for Volleyball  in the HNaz Gym! Ages include 16 and up.   Come to the HNAZ gym at Door 10 from 6:30-8:30pm.

Pickleball  Resumes on September 8th

Sunday Night Pickleball will not meet during the summer months but will resume on Sunday, September 8th.

HNaz  Students

Sunday Mornings at 9:30

 Youth Sunday School led by our new Youth Pastor, Roman Schwarz, meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Refinery on the second floor.  All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend.   Hope to see all our Middle School and High School students on Sunday morning!

Youth Group  this Summer

Sunday evening youth group will resume after school starts in August.  But be on the lookout for special summer activities with our new youth pastor Roman Schwarz!

HNaz Women

Card Writing Ministry 

You are invited to join the Card-Writing Ministry the second and fourth Sundays of the month.  Come anytime you're available!  The ministry meets in the Hospitality Room just off the main lobby at 9:30 AM.  Cards will be provided, and you'll provide the words of encouragement.   Hope to see you there!

HNaz PrimeTime

Bible Study

Adult Bible Study meets every Wednesday at 4pm in room 116. The study is led by Pastor Stephen Bennett.  The current book is One Conversation at a Time by D. Michael Henderson and costs $12.  Everyone is welcome.  Please enter through Door #10.

Delphi Canal Museum
Prime Time Event on August 17

Plan now to join HNaz Prime Time for its next outing on Saturday, August 17th.  We'll tour the Delphi Canal Museum and enjoy lunch together too.  We'll leave the church at 9:00AM and return in the late afternoon.   The cost is $22.  We hope you can join us!

HNaz Kids

Children's Worship Hour

Regular kids' worship hour begins at 10:15 on Sundays
Children ages 1-2 meet in room 113 for Toddler Worship.
Children ages 3-grade K meet in room 103 for Preschool Praise Worship Hour. (Must be fully potty-trained)
Children grades 1-5 meet upstairs for Kids Worship.

Kids Bible Quizzing

Bible Quizzing begins on Wednesday, August 7th, 6:30-8:30 in room 206.  Quizzing is open to all students in elementary school.  We hope you'll plan to have your child take part.  It's a fantastic experience!

HNaz Missions

Prayer Corner - Belize

 During the 17th and 18th centuries, the country we now know as Belize was a "prize between rivals," over which Great Britain and Spain constantly disputed authority and possession. In 1862, the name of the country was determined to be British Honduras, but in 1981, it attained independence and changed the name to Belize. Located on the Mesoamerica Region, Belize borders the Caribbean Sea between Guatemala and Mexico. The Church of the Nazarene has been active in these surrounding countries for many years but established work in Belize in 1934. Since these early days, education has been critical to the growth and mission of the Church of the Nazarene.
Here are their current prayer requests:
1) Please pray for more Christian teachers to be part of the school and school management.
2) Please pray for the involvement of missionaries in the schools throughout the country.
3) Pray for the government, that they will continue to see the need for partnership with Christian churches.

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3 Ways to Give:


Use our simple online giving platform available here on our website, or through our HNAZ Mobile app.  The HNAZ Mobile app is a free download available in the app store.

Offering Boxes

There are several offering boxes located throughout the sanctuary for you to drop your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary.  There is also a secure drop box located at the Church Office entrance (Door #1) that you can drop off your donation after hours.


You may mail your donation to the church office.
Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
1555 Flaxmill Rd
Huntington, IN 46750

Meet the staff.

Scott Rainey

Lead Pastor

Tyler Gates

Worship and Discipleship Pastor

Lynn Clampitt

Director of Early Childhood &
Growing Place Preschool

Christi Bennett

Pastor of Children's Ministry

Stephen Bennett

Pastoral Care