Check out what's happening at HNAZ

This week's announcements and happenings.

Facebook Update

As many know, our HNaz Facebook page was hacked and cannot be restored.  A new Hnaz Facebook page has been created, so you may accept the invitation when you receive it.
Live Service - For right now, you may view the Sunday service live on YouTube at the link below.  
Prayer Group -For the Prayer Group, the office is setting up a private Facebook Page.  

Youth Ministry Soup-Off
November 3rd

Is there a soup or chili that your family just loves?  Bring it November 3rd for our annual Soup-Off Event!  The Soup-Off will begin immediately following morning worship on November 3rd in the HNaz gym.  This is a fundraiser benefitting Student Ministries.   Even if you don't bring a soup,  bring your appetite and vote for your favorite entry.  Bring plenty of cash as well to put in the jars of your favorite entries! 

HNaz Trunk or Treat - October 26

Trunk or Treat is Saturday, October 26th at 4-6 PM!   We still need lots of candy for this event.  If you haven't yet donated, your may bring your donation to church on Sunday or drop your donation off at the church Monday - Thursday.   There is also still time to get creative and plan this year's trunk.  Have fun creating a family-frendly trunk with  your own family or a group of friends or co-workers. We have a goal of 50 trunks, so sign up below and list your design to reserve your spot!  

Children's Ministry Check-In Reminder

Beginning Sunday, October 20th, children will no longer be checked in at the TouchPoint Centers.  Parents should check in at their child's designated worship area.
Infants & Toddlers - Rooms 111 & 113
Ages 3-K - Preschool Praise - Room 103
Grades 1-5 - Kids Church - 2nd Floor

Pastor Appreciation Month

The Church Board Stewards invite you to celebrate and appreciate our pastors and staff during the month of October. The staff members were asked to create Amazon wish lists so we can show them our support by purchasing items meaningful to them and their ministries. Please feel free to send a gift acknowledging their dedication to our church family.  These gifts can be sent anonymously if you wish. You will also find baskets located in the foyer for each staff member where you will be able to leave a note or token of appreciation.
Feel free to contact board stewards: Chris Rakoczy, Laura Zahm or Jean Gehrke if you have questions and THANK YOU!

HNaz  Sports Ministry

Volleyball on  Wednesday Nights

Join us Wednesday evenings for Volleyball  in the HNaz Gym! Ages include 16 and up.   Come to the HNAZ gym at Door 10 from 6:30-8:30pm.

Pickleball on Sunday Nights

Sunday Night Pickleball meets on Sundays at 6:30 PM in the HNaz gym.  Come enjoy the game and new friends!

HNaz  Students

Sunday Mornings at 9:30

 Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Refinery on the second floor.  All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend.  Chris Rakoczy is our Middle School teacher, and Connor Morton teaches our High School students.  Hope to see all our students on Sunday morning!

Mission Trip Meeting - October 20

Meet in the Youth Room at 11:45am on October 20 for our Mission Trip Meeting.

Youth Group on Sundays

Come out Sundays at 5:00-6:45 PM for our  Youth Ministry nights of the Fall.   Get to know your small groups, play some really fun games, eat good food, and don't forget to bring a friend! Please use the Door 10 Youth Entrance.

HNAZ Women

Card Ministry

Plan now to join the HNaz Card Writing Ministry on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 9:30 in the Hospitality Room.  Cards and pens are provided.  Just come anytime you're available!  We hope you'll consider being part of this encouraging ministry.


District Mens Retreat

Friday-Saturday, November 1 & 2
"The Blind Leading the Blind"
Pastor Chris Kruchkow will be speaking to the men of the North Eastern Indiana District reminding them that true disciples make disciples!

Sign up at the Touch Points in the Lobby.  
The cost is $60.

Check in Friday is at 4:30pm. Bring your own towels and bedding. If skeet shooting, bring a gun and shells. Deadline for sign up and payment is
Sunday, October 13, 2024. For questions, contact the church office at

HNAZ PrimeTime

Bible Study

Adult Bible Study meets every Wednesday at 4pm in room 116. The current book is Saving Grace by Dan Boone. Everyone is welcome. Please enter through Door #10.

Back 40 Junction Outing

Plan now to join HNaz Prime Time for its next outing on Thursday, October 24th.  We'll leave the church at 11:00AM and return in the mid afternoon. The cost is $5.  Lunch prices are $15.00 and $35.00. We hope you can join us!


Children's Worship Hour

Regular kids' worship hour begins at 10:15am  on Sundays
Children ages 1-2 meet in room 113 for Toddler Worship.
Children ages 3-grade K meet in room 103 for Preschool Praise Worship Hour. (Must be fully potty-trained)
Children grades 1-5 meet upstairs for Kids Worship.

Kids Bible Quizzing

Bible Quizzing meets every Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 in room 206.  Quizzing is open to all students in elementary school.  We hope you'll plan to have your child take part.  It's a fantastic experience!

HNAZ Missions

HNaz Missions Auction - Oct. 19

 Plan now to attend the HNaz Missions Auction on Saturday, October 19th at 6-8PM in the HNaz gym.  A professional auctioneer will call out great hand-made gifts in addition to goods and services from local businesses.  Dinner, featuring BrisketKase Barbecue, will be served beginning at 6PM.  A silent auction will also be available.  If you'd like to donate handmade crafts or gift baskets from your home or local business, please contact Lynn Clampitt at  All proceeds will go to Nazarene Missions. 

Church Potluck - Oct. 20th

After the service next week (20th), we will eat together! The main course and drinks will be provided. We ask that you bring a side dish AND/OR a dessert!

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3 Ways to Give:


Use our simple online giving platform available here on our website, or through our HNAZ Mobile app.  The HNAZ Mobile app is a free download available in the app store.

Offering Boxes

There are several offering boxes located throughout the sanctuary for you to drop your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary.  There is also a secure drop box located at the Church Office entrance (Door #1) that you can drop off your donation after hours.


You may mail your donation to the church office.
Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
1555 Flaxmill Rd
Huntington, IN 46750

Meet the staff.

Scott Rainey

Lead Pastor

Lynn Clampitt

Director of Early Childhood & 
Growing Place Preschool

Tyler Gates

Worship and Discipleship Pastor

Alyssa Flanagin

Interim of Children's Director

Roman Schwarz

Pastor of Student Ministries

Vonna McKinney

Office Manager